Diolaz, Laser Hair Removal

  • Diolaz is a laser hair removal treatment. During the treatment the laser beam passes through the skin towards the hair follicles. This penetrating energy then heats up the root of the hair, preventing future hair growth.

  • The treatment involves heating up the hair follicle with a laser beam which causes mild discomfort. Diolaz does have a built in skin cooling surface which reduces discomfort.

  • Hair growth is reduced after each treatment with maxium results are reached after 8 sessions. We sell our packages of 6 sessions with 2 additional sessions for any hair regrowth with one year.

  • Packages (6 treatments)

    Chin: $350

    Upper lip: $350

    Sideburns: $350

    Face: $600

    Neck: $600

    Underarms: $500 

    Bikini line: $600

    Back: $1200

    Chest: $650

    Stomach: $650 

    Full Arms: $1000

    Forearm: $650

    Partial Leg: $1400

    Full Leg: $2000  

    Feet or Hands: $300 

Morpheus8 Body and Face

  • Morpehus8 is a microneedling skin treatment that is coupled with radiofrequency energy. It stimulates collage production in the deep layers of the skin. It is a minimally invasive treatment that uses a matrix of micro needles and RF energy to renew the deeper layers of the skin.

  • Your treatment session will start with the numbing process. This will include either topical numbing cream or an injected numbing agent, and sometimes a combination of both. Next the treatment continues with the process of microneedling into the skin. Moderate discomfort is to be expected and is limited to the treatment session only. After completion it is normal to have 1-2 days of slight redness and minimal swelling. Microlesions will be present for a few days. Your social downtown is limited to 1-3 days.

  • You will see results 3-4 weeks after your first treatment. Maximum results are acheived after 3 treatments although some clients only require 1-2 treatment sessions to obtain their desired results.

  • Packages (3 Treatments)

    Full Face: $1,800 

    Neck Only: $1,500                 

    Face & Neck: $2,500  

    Eyes: $800

    Lower Belly: $1,500

    Buttocks: $1,500 

    Individual Treatment session

    Full Face: $650

    Neck Only: $600                

    Face & Neck: $1,000 

    Eyes: $300

    Lower Belly: $600 

    Buttocks: $600 

    May Add PRP to any Morpheus session for $200


  • EvolveX is an innovative procedure that builds and strengthens muscles while enhancing appearance and tightness of skin. By combining two procedures into one treatment session you can improve your tone and shape quickly.

    EvolveX combines radiofrequency energy that heats skin stimulating to production of collage by the deeper tissues and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to induce forced muscle contractions that give you results not achievable during workouts.

  • The EvolveX transform paddles or applicators are placed on the treatment area. During the treatment session you can expect a warming of your skin and contraction of muscles in the specific area of the treatment.

  • We recommend 8 weekly treatments to maximize results. Results are typically found after 3-4 treatment sessions. The sessions last approximately 45-60 minutes.

    Afterwards a monthly session is recommended to help maintain resutls.

  • Single treatment session $75

    Package of 8 sessions $500

    Package of 4 sessions with our weight loss program $199